KissAnime is a topnotch anime-streaming site that is dedicated to showcasing thousands of anime titles absolutely for free. Being one of the biggest, if not the biggest, anime websites out there, KissAnime's voluminous catalog brims with anime series under various genres, ranging from romance to horror, to comedy and drama, to adventure and sports, shounen, shoujo, and whatnot. Name it, and they probably have it. And since free anime streaming is not an excuse for low-quality content, KissAnime offers episodes in high-definition quality up to 1080p. Moreover, since watching anime is a universal human experience, they are extending the effort to cater to non-Japanese speakers. Hence, titles dubbed and subbed in English are available for your convenience.
Since KissAnime is a coveted anime site, various websites have sprouted here and there trying to mimic the original and legit site. Their common denominator: they all claim to be THE official one. This has resulted in confusion among avid anime viewers. So, if you are one of those who constantly ask which KissAnime is the safest, lucky you for we are making it a breeze for you. Make sure that you only visit the official website by clicking the link provided here to avoid any security attacks caused by malware. Overall, KissAnime is a SAFE one-stop-shop for all your anime needs!